Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Dear New Jersey,
Thank you for that bitter sweet feeling I've had all summer long. Your beaches were beautiful and well what else can I say... The people are mean here and they have a right to be!
Jessica Stevenson

Monday, August 24, 2009

123 Sesame st

We went to Sesame Place this week with matt and the kids had a blast as usual.

Walker and Cookie monster instantly bonded.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Asbury Park

Asbury Park is probably 95% Gay! so my husband thought it appropriate to buy matching tanks with his little buddies spencer and taylor. Needless to say they were quite a hit...after a gay couple saw the boys prancing in there matching shirts we saw them later buying the same shirts in the store.
I heart A.P.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Rain or shine

It rains a lot here on the jersey shore so one day, (while it was raining outside) I ran into this store and found these adorable little raincoats. So now, when it rains we go outside on a walk because it is hard to stay inside all day.

I love when matt comes to the beach with us. It was so hot today, i actually got in the water... and i tried surfing.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Beach/Pool Party

We started the party off with a sand castle building contest.
Nice try Steve...better luck next year.
Justin and Courtney's "Tomb of the unknown APX Salesmen" notice the butt cheeks in the back
We had a lifeguard judge the castles and the poor girl got hassled by a bunch of salesmen trying to sell her on why they should win.
And the winners are....Don't really know? They all just started combining their castles together.

Lining up for the swimming contest, Justin won by a hair.
Walker's favorite part of the party...PIZZA!!!

Fresh food!!

I went shopping at Delicious Orchards market and bought every vegetable in sight. I'm not usually a real salad eater but these fresh veggies just taste so much better than regular grocery store veggies. I just had to take a picture because I was so proud of myself...eating so healthy and all. Okay so i did have some oreos and milk afterwords.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

GO Yankees

This year we are routing for the Yankees! but really our hearts belong to the Phillies. Our seats were awesome because we were in the shade and the Yankees won! so despite our two little tag-a-longs we had a good time.
P.s. walker was the best cheerleader, he clapped and cheered the whole time...and ate a lot of ice cream.

I heart floaties!

This summer both Kelty and walker have learned how to swim with floaties and it has been such a lifesaver. I was so stressed out about watching the both of them at the pool all by myself, but luckily Kelty mastered the floaty skills and then Walker just had to follow his big sisters footsteps. Sometimes I do have to watch walker closely because he's a little top heavy and goes under if he runs full speed into the deep water...but he's been a really fast learner.