This is a picture of a girl
bailing hay with a team of 5 horses! She looked so frustrated trying to control the horses by herself and she kept getting stuck in the hay. Man she is so tough.

This is a picture of Walker with his red headed uncle
Tay. This lady taking our picture thought that he was Walker's dad.

We just happen to run into an annual Amish event with food, crafts, an auction, and a fundraiser. The Amish people were making food from scratch right in front of us. This is a picture of them squeezing fresh lemons for the lemonade (it was
soooo good).

All of the quilts for the auction were hand quilted.

This is a picture of the buggy parking lot.

All of the kids were so cute. Each family would wear matching outfits (dad, mom, kids, and baby all wore matching colors and everything)

Driving around we saw alot of barns, buggies, crops, animals, chicken coups and Amish people. It was truly a beautiful place. I mean really! look at this cute waterwheel on the side of this little blue house.
oh you got good pics of the amish!! Nice job :)
Soooo cool. You got the best pics. They didn't care you were snapping? Also, did you just add Wide Open Spaces for that post? It came up today when I saw the Amish. Perfect.
Very interesting. I've heard when they have their sales on quilts and fabrics you can usually get a killer deal! How fun!
Hey cool! Where did you go to Amish country at? My parents are coming out here and we really want to go, but I don't know where the closest good place would be.
You make me want to be in Philadelphia for the summer, Jessica!! You are always taking the kids out to do such fun things, I am DYING to take Ruby to Sesame Place...and those gardens look awesome!!
Wow, you got an awesome experience with the Amish. I wish so bad I could have been there for that festival. I'm so fascinated with the Amish, I've talked my friend from New Jersey to come and see them now, so she's coming tomorrow. Thanks for all your help with the party. Also, tell Matt the Deal or No Deal was awesome. Do they do this every year? You guys just really do a great job with all of this APX stuff. It's been so fun.
Oh how I miss the Amish Country! Serving my mission in Ohio we were around the Amish A LOT!! It is so beautiful out there and they are such humble and kind people. What a fun experience for you. Thanks for the update about Brandan. That is awesome! I am glad he is with you guys and I know he likes Matt a lot. Thanks for watching out for him :) How are you?
i want to go to Amish country SO bad!! i think we are going to stop by when we are heading back to Utah! but i think we are going to buy a house when we get back to Utah- probably out in Eagle Mountain! and for our baby- his name is going to be Hunter! i love that name!
I love the Amish! I can't believe how cute you pictures turned out! AWESOME!! You need to read the Amish book I'm reading right now! Check my blog!
Hi. Love the amish making lemonade photo and would like to have your permission to use the image. Please contact me.
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